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Privacy Statement


Institute of Group Analysis will use its best endeavours to safeguard the privacy of its website visitors. This policy explains the website data processing practices of Institute of Group Analysis.


What information do we collect?

We will collect personal details appropriate to the service you require. In some areas, this may simply mean registering your name, address and email details. Other on-line forms will require more information so that all the appropriate elements of your service request will be dealt with in a timely manner.


What do we use personal information for?

There are various reasons that we need to collect personal data. For example, we may need to ask you for your contact details for correspondence purposes.Similarly, we may need information in order to fulfil our statutory obligations and regulatory responsibilities. Subject to your agreement we may contact you to either provide information about new services that are coming on line, or get your feedback on how well we are performing. In any event we will only ever obtain information from you that is 'fit for purpose' and does not constitute an invasion of your privacy.


Allowing your details to be used across other IGA services

We are all frustrated on occasion when we have to repeat the same basic information about ourselves, such as name and contact details, each time we contact an organisation. In recognition of this we are focussing on making it easier for people to do business with us, whenever and however they choose, and with the ability to be able to complete a range of different sorts of transactions with the Institute, all through a single contact – i.e. a centralised customer database. You can view a list of services currently using this facility.


Ultimately this will allow us to share basic customer details across the Institute, thereby reducing the time you spend having to repeat these as you access new and existing services. By agreeing to allow your details to be used across other IGA services, we will be able to capture this information when you first contact us and then re-use this information to minimise the time taken when you contact us in the future.



Please note that in agreeing to share these details you have not forfeited your rights as prescribed under the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Institute will continue to apply the same level of care to safeguard your privacy and use of your information across all our services. Your service entitlement from the Institute will not be affected should you decide not to allow your data to be shared in this way or you change your mind at any time in the future. For more information about how we process personal data please see our Fair Processing Notice.


Email Messages

We are keen to ensure that we are providing our customer with services that they need. Consequently, you may receive occasional e-mail messages from Institute of Group Analysis on matters that we consider may be of interest to you, if you have provided your email address to us for this purpose.


Information to improve our site

We collect web statistics automatically about your visit to our site based on your IP address. This information is used to help us follow browsing preferences on our site so that we can regularly improve our web site. We do not use this information to identify you as an individual and you will remain anonymous, unless you are asked to identify yourself by completing a form or an online transaction. The information we gather will also enable us to better understand your needs and how you use IGA services so that we can continue to improve our performance over time.



If you complete our online registration process, or subsequently login to the site, we will use cookies to remember your preferences during your current visit, and any future visits provided the cookie was not deleted in the interim. These cookies only contain numeric identifiers, and can be deleted at the end of each visit by logging out of the site. Your browser help text will contain information about how to refuse cookies from our site should you wish. Refusing cookies from our site will not affect your ability to perform online transactions, although we will not be able to display content that is relevant you on certain pages, nor pre-fill forms with your name and contact details where relevant.



If you have any comments or concerns regarding this policy please contact the the Data Protection team online or in writing at the following address:-

Information Services
1 Daleham Gardens

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The IGA is a charity registered in England and Wales (280942), and in Scotland (SC040468); and is a company registered in England and Wales 01499655

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