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Group Analysis’ Associates, Trainees and Students (GAATS)

Updated: Jul 6, 2023


The next student peer-led open meeting is on Sunday July 16th 2023, 10am to 11.30am:

For past and present students of all Group Analytic courses across the UK.

Join us in a virtual student common room on Zoom from the Link below:

Meeting ID: 678 693 9212

Passcode: 784546


GAATS Group Analysis Associates, Trainees and Students (GAATS) is a peer-led online meeting space to reflect on the experiences of learning about group analysis. It is open to any UK Group Analysis student, past or present, from the Foundation, Diploma or Qualifying Courses, prior to qualifying as a Group Analyst. This meeting space has been offered since 2020 and is run by students, for students.

We meet online, three times a term and our next meeting is on Sunday July 16th 2023, 10am to 11.30am.

Our open meetings provide an informal space for being together, getting to know each other, offering mutual support, and sharing perspectives and experience.

A group of student convenors from training courses across the UK will be hosting these open meetings. We hope the meetings will stimulate creative exchange, develop a sense of community and support other student initiatives.


The idea for this group emerged from the work of PPP (Power, Privilege, Positionality) working group on Student Experience as it considered a range of needed spaces for students.

Consultation returned a preference for a national peer-led space where students could engage with each other’s experiences of training. It was felt to be important to have student-led forms of communication and connection as an ongoing infrastructure during training across all locations and courses.

The group met for the first time online in July 2021 and again in October 2021 and is still forming. Those who have attended hope that GAATS will support conversations that are not brought to the institution so they can be voiced and encourage engagement and dialogue with the existing training structures so that voice, rather than exit, becomes possible. The conversations that have already taken place show that sharing experiences and networks can be a practical as well as relational support.

We envisage GAATS will be the starting point for new student-led spaces that encourage solidarity and exchange between students and where we can share what we each bring to group analysis.

A Zoom installation provided by the IGA is available for members who would like to organise other meetings.

GAATS exists as an active online community on Slack (a free messaging and sharing platform), which you can join here,, You can also write to: to be added.

GAATS is currently convened by a group of students drawn from across the UK and courses. To join us or to find out more, write to We look forward to welcoming you!



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